“I could never be better represented by any other firm... I’ve never known anyone to work as hard, with as much competence and creativity as Violy.”
— George Taylor Former Chairman, John Labatt Limited
“The big investment banks are in the mass market, while hiring Violy is like having a custom-made suit. It’s the other stuff they offer that makes the difference.”
— Diego Recalde, Managing Director Latin America M&A group CSFB
“With Violy, the seven degrees separation to reach anyone in the Americas does not apply because they only need two.”
— Lorenzo Zambrano CEO, CEMEX
“I have recognized Violy’s reputation and professionalism for many years... She has an extraordinary vision and clear tactics with which to confront problems without wasting time on petty issues.”
— Gustavo Cisneros, Chairman, The Cisneros Group of Companies
“She is one of the most fully defined investment bankers I’ve seen in 40 years on Wall Street. She is intense. It’s not just the personality and the vast enthusiasm, it’s the persistence, the intellectual brain power and the capacity to think outside the box. Violy’s ability to pour energy into a deal is almost mythical, if not biologically abnormal”
— James D. Robinson III - American Express
“I retained Violy and her team years ago to find me a suitable partner to let me maximize the profits of my business. Violy is exceptional, because of her dynamism, her work is unequaled.”
— Oswaldo Cisneros, The Cisneros Bottling Group
“She knows Bacardi better than I do.”
— Manuel Jorge Cutillas, Chairman, Bacardi International
“I know many investment bankers, I’ve worked with them for years. Violy is the most effective banker I’ve ever met, the most magnetic. Her energy and her relentless approach are phenomenal”
— Vernon E Jordan, Jr. (Advisor to President Clinton) Lazard Freres & Co LLC
“V&Co is one of the most prestigious advisory firms in the world of business, with experienced and very capable professionals.”
— Hans Busher, Demasa
“She is an ingenious, well-connected and realty visionary woman. I have always thought I was a good negotiator but she has rescued deals that I considered lost, such as the sale of ECSA to Bavaria. Working with her has been a blessing.”
— Edgar Zurcher Zurcher, Montoya y Zurcher
“She perceives value in transactions underestimated by other investors and bankers, whose orthodox methods penalize the Latin American market in its valuations. Her firm is a bicultural icon that goes deeper than a simple financial analysis.”
— Arturo Alemany - MIR International
“She never sleeps, and she never fails.”
— Carlos Cisneros - Cisneros Television Group
“I have been client and counterpart and she has always been the same, effective and compromised at the moment of finding a solution reasonable to both parties. She does it with love and interest and, I don’t know where she gets the time, but is always taking care of us.”